Polar Bear – the symbolic animal of the Arctic

Polar Bear PauseUnmuteCurrent Time 0:33/Duration 3:25Loaded: 0%Progress: 0%FullscreenWATCH: POLAR BEARS 101 COMMON NAME: Polar Bear SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ursus maritimus TYPE: Mammals DIET: Carnivore AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN THE WILD: 25 to 30 years SIZE: Head and body: 7.25 to 8 feet; tail: 3 to 5 inches WEIGHT: 900 to 1,600 pounds SIZE RELATIVE TO A 6-FT MAN: IUCN RED LIST STATUS: ? VulnerableLCNTVUENCREWEXLEAST CONCERNEXTINCT CURRENTContinue reading “Polar Bear – the symbolic animal of the Arctic”

The Arctic Ocean’s facts

© naturepl.com / Steven Kazlowski / WWF The Arctic is one of the most stark and beautiful places on Earth. Vast expanses of pack ice cover deep ocean composing the planet’s largest and least fragmented inhabited region. Home to an array of species—from polar bears to whales—the Arctic faces threats from oil and gas developmentContinue reading “The Arctic Ocean’s facts”

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